Wish List for the Winter 2011-12

A day rarely passes when we don’t hear the following questions:
What do you need at the food bank?
What can I do to help?

Image: Rosemary Ratcliff / FreeDigitalPhotos.net

Many people want to help but often they don’t know how to start or they are don’t think they have anything worth giving.  Even more likely, they are struggling themselves to get by and they don’t think they have anything they to spare that would help.

However, there is one thing that anyone can give that won’t cost a cent.  Volunteers Without Limits is not affiliated with any church or denomination but it is a faith-based ministry.  Your prayers on behalf of the work we do here are always the first and foremost gift you can give.

Another way to help when money is short is by donating STUFF.  Our segundo sales contribute about a third of the cost of the food we distribute.  The items that sell best are used but working power tools, appliances (small and large), furniture, linens, and of course clothing.  You can help by cleaning out your closet and sending us those extra tools or appliances that you don’t use anymore.  Remodeling your kitchen?  Your old stove may not fit your color scheme but it will fit someone else’s budget nicely.  Looking to upgrade your sofa?  If the old one is still in fair condition, another family will delight in finding it at bargain prices in our thrift store.  What do you have collecting dust in the back room that could bring in much needed cash for food?

Many people say they would rather buy needed items than give money. Great, our pantry can always use food supplements and hygiene supplies for the special needs children, such as: Pediasure, baby food, diapers, or Fleet enemas.  In addition,  when available, we strive to include cooking oil, powdered milk and sugar to our food distribution.  If you want to contribute food items directly, these items would be the most helpful.  We also accept packaged food and canned goods, but unfortunately, even though the expiration date on food does not always mean that the food is no longer good, we can not, in good conscious, pass on out of date food items.

And in addition, we also have some “big ticket” items on our wish list.

A desk top computer for the store.
A working delivery vehicle for food and water (needs to be able to negotiate the dirt “roads” of the Arroyo and carry 500 gallon water tank).
A working air-conditioner (or two?).  The volunteers who run the segundo swelter in the summer months.

If you have one of the items you would like to contribute, please call us to arrange delivery.

And of course, CASH is always welcome.  We are hoping to double our budget in the coming year and provide a more expansive diet in the food distribution and your cash donations will make this possible.

You can now contribute through our Paypal account by clicking through the buttons on the right side of our web site.  You do not need to HAVE a Paypal account to contribute, you will be given an option to use your ATM or credit card.  Sorry, we can not accept checks at this time .