Urgent Supply Needs – Ensure and Diapers!

Thanks to an anonymous donor and the helping hands of several of our good friends in getting it purchased and transported, VSL now has a “new” truck to deliver food and water to the elderly and disabled patrons in San Felipe and an air conditioner has been installed in one side of the thrift store.  There is still enough money in the bank to buy food and water for the coming month (these funds are from fund raisers last season and were not used for either purchase).

Coming Event – Harvest Fashion & Wine Fest

As usual, we will be counting on our October fund-raiser, the Harvest Fashion and Wine Fest, to replenish our depleted coffers.  If you would like to help with this event by donating items for the silent auction, modeling in the fashion show or lending a hand with ticket sales, please contact us at VSL-VWL@gmail.com.  The menu and final details have not been settled yet but do keep October 17th open on your calendars, you won’t be sorry.

Supplies Still Needed – Ongoing and Urgent

We still need help buying essential  supplies like Ensure or Pediasure and diapers for the children with severe disabilities.    We currently have about twelve families that look to us to help with these items and are sometimes forced to seek assistance for travel expenses to and from doctor appointments in Mexicali, Tijuana or other distant cities.  This month we had to turn away some seeking assistance for help due to our limited resources.  This hurts our hearts.  How do you tell a mother who’s child needs to see an orthopedist or neurologist that there just isn’t money for gas to get there?  How do you tell a parent caring for a wheel chair bound child there is no money for diapers or Pediasure?

Shoppers Needed

We don’t know how, so we come to you are faithful supporters and again petition your help.  Please think of VSL’s kids when you make that shopping trip to Costco or Walmart and pick up a case or two of diapers* or Pediasure or Ensure* and drop them by the thrift store when you go to town.  These things are nearly double the cost in San Felipe.  If you are financially blessed and can afford an extra one-time or monthly donation specifically for the children’s travel or care needs, you can set up either through Paypal, here on our website.  You can mark it “for the children” or for a specific child you want.

Why Not Organic?

We have had several people suggest we should promote a more organic solution instead of liquid food supplements.  We do support that option ideally and we are working on getting support for the development of the community gardens to work in that direction but at the present time we are working with people who may or may not have running water, electricity or refrigeration and food processors and blenders are not options.  We do the best we can with what we can.  In the meantime, if you have a lot you would be interested in dedicating to a garden or expertise in that realm and would like to help get a community garden going, please let us know.

If you can see it in your heart to help, our sincerest thanks.

*diapers are needed in size 6, medium adult and extra large adult
most of the children seem to prefer Vanilla or Strawberry flavors

** If you are going to the States and are willing to pick up supplies but can not afford to purchase them on behalf of the food bank, please email VSL-VWL@gmail.com and we will strive to arrange funds for the purchase.