New Way to Contribute!

Dear VSL friends,

The recent food shortage has been temporarily diverted and funds have been received to cover the food distribution for the next week or two. This near crisis has motivated me to research our options and I have found that is is possible to set up a Paypal account to receive donations  on behalf of Volunteers Without Limits, as a private individual.  I have done that and have linked a separate (personal) bank account that will give us ATM access to the funds within a few days of their deposit.  This account will not be used for anything other than routing funds to Volunteers Without Limits and will be used only until we have sufficient funding to open the 501C in the States.

Paypal may charge a small fee for processing payments but I think the convenience of making and receiving donations makes the payment of this fee well worthwhile.

If you you like to make a Donation at this time, just click on the button below.