Category Archives: Special Kids (Our Favorite Part Of Our Work)

February Wrap Up at Volunteers Without Limits

It was a good thing that we had an extra day last month because I don’t think we could have crammed everything into just 28 days!  Chuck & I were out of town for the first couple of weeks, attending a family wedding in Texas but in our absence life went on as usual for Volunteers Sin Limites. The ladies of VSL distributed food to over a hundred families and my brother Larry joined Augustine on the biweekly deliveries to the elderly and disabled.

Patricia was also contacted by Kuchy and the San Felipe Rotary and helped arrange for Flor to receive one of the two dozen new wheelchairs they were giving away.

The month ended with a bang up benefit dinner prepared by Cesar at the Pavilion.  Simply Baja was filled with good food (La Cava de Marcelo), delightful entertainment (flamenco dancers from ZONA TANGO Dance Academy in Mexicali) and good spirits (tequila & wine from local vendors), topped off with delectable morsels from Baja Chocolates.

The evening included a silent auction and 50/50 Raffle and netted a little over $1500 for the food bank and children’s aid and about $65 from the raffle which was given to Casa de Fe children’s home with our deepest sympathies to Bill and the children for the loss of his wife and their benefactor, Carol Spradlin.

Our sincere thanks to our generous sponsors & donors
and to those who made this event a reality

  • Debbie of B-Dazzled 
  • Magie Moon
  •  Jan & Grant of BajaCoolrWear
  • Hipon Market
  •  La Vaquita
  • Rancho Market
  •  The Home Store
  • Michal Keath
  • Maria deFoy
  • Tina DeCleur
  • Diane Silver
  • Mac Davis
  • Robert Castanada
  •  Jackie
  • Jessica’s Nursery

Simply Baja Tequila and Wine Tasting & Sales Event – February 29th – Pavilion Restaurant

A glass of wine or tequila in an elegant restaurant overlooking the beautiful Sea of Cortez, good friends, spectacular entertainment and music… what more could you ask for?  Well you can have all of this and be contributing to a good cause while you are enjoying it…  come join us and help feed our less fortunate neighbors in San Felipe.

Closed 12-31-2011 & 1/1/2012

Everyone deserves a day off now and again and the ladies who run the thrift store are no exception.  The thrift store will be closed on Saturday, December 31st and Sunday, January 1 to allow the staff a holiday with their families.

If you have an “emergency donation” or need, please call Chuck & Susan at 686 226-0862.

Food distribution to the elderly and shut-ins will be done on Saturday, Dec 31 as scheduled.

Image: jscreationzs /