This year we did our Christmas dispensa in two trips. On Saturday Chuck and Augustine delivered the regular food packages with an extra bonus of a whole chicken for each home. Thanks to the generous donation of the residents of Campo Costa Azul we were again able to buy ten cases of chickens which allowed us to include a chicken for each family but also share two cases with Kuchy Sanchez for her distribution. Then on Wednesday, Chuck and I delivered the Christmas packages donated by the San Felipe Rotarians to the older folks on our regular delivery route that were not also included in Kuchy’s or Better Together’s distribution. The Rotarians also provided Christmas packages to these two groups for our San Felipe Seniors.
Category Archives: Food Bank to KO Hambre (Knock Out Hunger)
Food Bank
One of our main programs is to provide food for the families in San Felipe that need assistance. We currently give out staples such as rice, beans, flour and oil.
We deliver food and water to the elderly, shut-ins and neediest parts of San Felipe on Saturdays. We have a 300 gallon water tank on our truck and we make sure that these folks have drinking water. Other families in the community come to us and pick up their food.
We dispense over 1,000 bags of food per month. Our goal in the future is to be able to add important additional food items such as fruits, vegetables and other healthy additions.
We are currently working out the details to start a community fruit and vegetable garden. Depending on the size of the garden/s our first recipients of the fresh fruits and vegetables will be our local orphanages and the elderly. From there we will add fresh fruits and vegetables to the food bags we dispense based on what the garden provides.