Author Archives: Susan

Kid’s Therapy Back on Track

The therapy room in the new location is open and the first therapy session was underway on Wednesday, even though we have yet to get the electricity on for that room.  In our rush to get settled once we found the new location, we overlooked the fact that there wasn’t a meter on that part of the facility.  Fortunately the weather was mild and we had plenty of natural lighting.


We really appreciate having professional volunteers like Linda of Sunrise Reflexology who donate their time and expertise to helping and teaching the parents of the children with disabilities how to help their children exercise their limbs and stimulate circulation.


Desert Mothers

Give a man (or woman) a fish and you feed them for a day… teach them to fish and you feed them for a life time.

Donna Roberts has a vision of teaching the local women of San Felipe to turn their sometimes unknown talents into a profitable cottage industry that would provide a steady means of support for their families.

Donna describes Desert Mothers as a two phase project:

The first phase goal of Desert Mothers is to become a multi-level organization providing training in the many diverse art forms, then provide a local cooperative space from which to sell the work produced, while creating markets outside of San Felipe.

The second phase of Desert Mothers is to provide a safe and healthy environment for women and their children. This will be a community living space with support systems to help these women become productive citizens of San Felipe.

Desert Mother’s latest endeavor is to produced a set of hand-painted dishes styled after a popular 1930’s design.  Each item is hand sketched and painted so no two are exactly alike.

The articles posted under “Other Ways to Help” are about separate organizations or groups that function San Felipe.  They are not part of Volunteers Without Limits but we at Volunteers Without Limits wish to encourage people to contribute or help where ever their hearts and minds lead them to do so.  In that spirit, we hope to make this site a place that links those who want to do something with those who need help doing.

San Felipe Lions Club

One organization that helps many different worthy causes in San Felipe is the San Felipe Lions Club.  Here in their own words is a description of one of their fund raising events – The Annual Blues and Arts Festival which is coming up this weekend.


The articles posted under “Other Ways to Help” are about separate organizations or groups that function San Felipe.  They are not part of Volunteers Without Limits but we at Volunteers Without Limits wish to encourage people to contribute or help where ever their hearts and minds lead them to do so.  In that spirit, we hope to make this site a place that links those who want to do something with those who need help doing.