Author Archives: Susan

Dia de el Nino Party for Children With Disabilites – Friday, April 29, 2010 – 5 p.m.

It’s the Day of the Child in Mexico!

Schools are closed today, families are planning mini-celebrations, piñatas in the evenings for the kids.

Children’s Day has been a big deal in Mexico with parties, piñatas, outings, and gifts since it’s 1925 inception. How big a deal? The last Walmart advertising flier devoted the center 6-8 pages to Christmas-like displays of toys and games – this in a country where most children in working families receive just a couple of gifts for Christmas instead of the mountain of presents north of the border kids have come to expect.
via Judy King @ Mexico Insights

This year Volunteers Without Limits will be hosting a party on Friday, April 29th for the children and parents who participate in the therapy sessions at our location.  There will be food, gifts and music and we would like to invite our American friends and sponsors to join us in the festivities.


Dia de el Nino Party – Friday, April 29, 2010 – 5 p.m.
at Voluntarios sin Limites, 453 Hualtulco, Los Arcos