Author Archives: Susan

By Popular Demand… You Can Now Set Up an Automatic Monthly Donation

Many of our friends have asked us to please make it easy for them to continue supporting Volunteers Without Limits when they are traveling or out of town for extended periods.  We have finally found the means to do just that.*

Now you can select the MAKE IT MONTHLY option in the column to the right of this article (or any VSL post) and pick the amount you can comfortably contribute to help out.  You can even add a child’s name if you wish to sponsor one of our children with disabilities and send a monthly donation to help that child’s parents buy medicines, special supplies or travel to and from the doctors in Mexicali or Ensenada. **

If you don’t see the denomination you would like to donate, drop me a note and we will modify the form to fit your preferences.

The contribution will be automatically paid from the Paypal account or credit card you choose until you indicate you wish to cancel the contribution. It can be easily canceled if you should decide you wish to change your mind in the future. Please pass this page on to others who you think would like to help.

We at Volunteers Without Limits thank you for your gracious support and encouragement. YOUR help makes our work possible.

*NOTE:  Voluntarios Sin Limites is registered as a Civil Association with Mexico but does not yet have a tax-exempt status here or in the U.S. Therefor donations are not eligible to be included as a charitable tax deduction.  Contributions  made to this Paypal account are collected on behalf for Voluntarios Sin Limites by private benefactors who then route the entire amount on to the local organization.

**Note:  When monies are designated for a specific child by the donor that money will be given to the parent and they will be required to provide receipts for the items they purchase during that month before they will receive the next month’s donation.

New Way to Contribute!

Dear VSL friends,

The recent food shortage has been temporarily diverted and funds have been received to cover the food distribution for the next week or two. This near crisis has motivated me to research our options and I have found that is is possible to set up a Paypal account to receive donations  on behalf of Volunteers Without Limits, as a private individual.  I have done that and have linked a separate (personal) bank account that will give us ATM access to the funds within a few days of their deposit.  This account will not be used for anything other than routing funds to Volunteers Without Limits and will be used only until we have sufficient funding to open the 501C in the States.

Paypal may charge a small fee for processing payments but I think the convenience of making and receiving donations makes the payment of this fee well worthwhile.

If you you like to make a Donation at this time, just click on the button below.

fund raiser for Kevin

Kevin Heading to Ensenada for Operation – Tamale Sale June 25th

Translation of Poster:  Hello! We invite you to our great tamales sale for the benefit of Kevin. This Angel will be operated on the 29th in the city of Ensenada and the funds raised will be for the families travel expenses.

fund raiser for Kevin
The mothers of the handicapped children will be selling fruit and meat tamales in front of the Volunteers Without Limits Thrift Store next Saturday, June 25th (2011) starting at 8:00 a.m.  Donations for the food bank and disabled children have been very low since the beginning of the summer months and Patty is hoping this will be a way the mothers can earn the money to get their children the care they need.